Starcke and Sustainability
“Sustainability” has been a frequently used term in the context of the debate on climate protection. And this debate has been very intensive for a certain period.
The origins of the business of the company STARCKE can be traced back to before 1720. A long-term – and as a consequence sustainable – orientation has shaped our thinking & acting for generations.
As a family-owned company, it is our concern and duty to create and maintain an environment that is worth living in for future generations and for “our grandchildren.”
However, what does “sustainability” mean for STARCKE? How is it lived and implemented, and what is its exact background? As an example, we would like to introduce you to some concrete measures:
All abrasives by STARCKE are produced in Melle. Once built at the gates of the town of Melle, at present, our production plant is in close proximity to residential and business areas. The state-of-the-art production methods and the avoidance of emissions associated with them have ensured a harmonious coexistence between business and living for decades.
The building located at Markt 10 in Melle was built in 1652 and has been family-owned ever since. Since the beginning of the business activity, this site has been used as a business location. Initially it served as a residential and commercial building at the same time. And soon the family paid tribute to the growing space requirements of the company and moved to other private premises in Melle.
Since that time, our administrative headquarters have been located in the listed half-timbered house ensemble developed over the centuries. In 2016, the family decided to invest a substantial amount in the modernisation of the building, by giving preference to the preservation of the historical substance over a new building.
As a consequence, today, two faces shape our administrative headquarters: On the town side a listed facade and on the other side an annex equipped with the most modern and energy-saving air conditioning technology, combining tradition and future in a functional and aesthetic manner.
Production without the use of energy – we don’t have that either. However, we handle this topic very consciously and strive to the maximum reduction of our energy consumption. For this reason, saving energy has been our crucial concern for a long time – also for the simple reason that the reduction of the energy consumption results in lower costs.
To meet our responsibility to a particularly high degree, during the last years, the company STARCKE has made extensive investments in energy-saving infrastructure.
This permits the return of the heat generated during the production process to the process itself. The no longer required heat quantities are used to heat building parts. This results in a significant reduction of the primary energy requirement.
During the modernisation of the administration, a modern energy-saving management system was installed as well – light is only switched on when there are people in the room and goes out automatically as soon as rooms are no longer used. In our company, the last person leaving a room turns off the light automatically.
Safety at work
The safety of our employees is very important to us. Wherever there are exposures to noise, dust or hazardous substances, we work to eliminate or to reduce them. The exposures to noise, dust or hazardous substances are recorded, assessed and appropriate measures are taken to reduce health risks and exposures to a minimum level.
In occupational safety committee meetings with the participation of the company physician, the works council, the occupational safety specialist, the department head, the human resources department and the management, work is being carried out to guarantee a safe workplace for the employees.
We educate.
The apprentices are offered the opportunity to expand their skills, while also benefiting from the experience of the long-term employees. We all work in a dynamic environment where the experience of the long-term employees is appreciated as well as the undisguised look of the trainees.
On our Future Day, pupils are offered a look inside our company to experience the various career options we offer.
The company STARCKE has been one of the largest employers in Melle for many years. It is not uncommon that 2 or 3 generations of families from Melle have been working with us. STARCKE employs more than 250 people.
Besides, the STARCKE Foundation supports social projects every year. Schools, kindergartens and associations are supported by yearly donations in the five-digit amount. The engagement spectrum ranges from a well drilling to the preservation of a historic fountain, a ball machine for the local table tennis club and the co-financing of holiday activities for the Melle City Youth Council.
STARCKE sees itself as a part of the society of Melle and, through its social commitment, STARCKE wants to help ensure that also the concerns of people without a strong lobby behind them are heard and supported.